I was up passed 1am this morning - half awake, drained and half serious about wanting to hear from God. While browsing the internet for useless things, I felt a tug on my heartstrings. "God, is that you?" No answer. "Huuuugggh, ok, fine. I give up. Talk to me, God. Please talk to me." So out of sheer curiosity mixed with a hint of anxiety from my long and draining day, I googled "daily scripture" and came across this website called Christnotes.com "Ok God, talk to me." The page finally loaded and this is what He said:
"Because he loves me," Says the Lord, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name." Pslam 91:14
Really, God... REALLY??? I can't believe you were actually listening. Well, I mean, I can...of course you were listening, but I've been waiting all day to hear those words of encouragement!
Someone once told me that if I was having trouble hearing God's voice, it's because I'm probably not leaving Him any space to talk.
Then again, about 10 minutes ago I listened to a voicemail on my phone from a guy named Garrett from RockHarbor. He wanted to know if I was interested in interviewing this weekend to go to Uganda. "WHAT, GOD??? Where did that come from?? How are you going to make that work, help me get a job and help me survive?? Ok, I guess it's time to listen again." As I sat in silence my head was filled with this buzz - and that buzz is usually filled with my own fragmented thoughts that I can't quite make out and then I hear, "What don't you have that I haven't already given you?" Wait, God... was that you, or me? And again, but more clearly, "What don't you have that I haven't already given you?" Nothing, God. Nothing.
"Trust me," He said.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight." - Proverbs 3:5, 6